Delivery & Return
We ship from Japan using Japan Post and DHL Express.
All orders are shipped with a tracking number.
Customs charges are the responsibility of the recipient.
Customs clearance may take some time depending on the country, we can not do anything to speed up the process.
Separation and Order Consolidation
To limit errors, we do not accept order separations or groupings.
In case of a delay of a release date, you will have the choice to split the order or not. If the order is split, extra shipping costs will have to be paid.
Product release delay
It happens regularly that the pre-orders are rejected by the manufacturer. In this case, we will change the product release date accordingly and we will notify you.
Change of address
The buyer can save multiple addresses in his profile. It will be imperative to contact the support to request the change for an order being processed.
Requests for return must imperatively be made within 7 days after receipt of the order, via your customer area.
A return number will be assigned for all authorized returns. This number should be put in the package.
Shipping costs will be pay by the customer then refund by voucher depending on the reason of the return.
- Only new items returned in their original packaging will be accepted. Return of used items are not accepted.
- Returns must be made in "normal shipping with tracking" (no express mail), otherwise your fees will not be refunded in full.
We made a How to return page, please read it if you don't know how to return a product.